Thursday, 29 October 2009

Lunchtime or Evening?

What's the best time for our Community Christmas market on Sat 5 Dec? 12 noon-4pm to entice people out for lunch and an afternoon event, or 4-7pm for a teatime treat?


  1. I'm all for the later slot myself & particularly like the idea of illuminating the event by candle light (home-made lanterns made by popping candles in jam jars?)

    Shaon :)

  2. Well done for figuring out the blog Shaon! The lantern effect would certainly be attractive, but one concern is sufficent lighting for the stalls and stallholders. I should get info from Angela early next week on what the options are, so hold that thought!

    Rachel :)

  3. I've had plenty of feedback on the timing issue now - there have been well thought out pros & cons on both sides! With the decision hanging in the balance and slowing things down (my apologies for that!) we've decided to stick with the daytime option after all. I'd be happy to go through all the reasoning if anyone is interested, but a bit longwinded for a simple blog post! Let's make our next community event a night-time one and cross our fingers for decent (not too cold, wet or windy!) weather on Saturday 5 December ...
